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About Quasievil

  • Birthday December 2

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Cape St Claire, MD

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  1. A brutal 48 hours of model watching. Brutal.
  2. I question Jesus serving you a Tomahawk.
  3. I don't believe you - the not on tonight part.
  4. Thanks. I always forget that. EURO looks like 8pm Wednesday night... give or take.
  5. So what time frames are we talking here? 12Z GFS looks like 18Z (1pm) Wednesday start time. 12Z CMC looks like 6Z (2am?) Thursday start time. 12Z ICON has 12z (7am) Wednesday start time. I don't have access to the 12Z EURO. Interesting we don't have a solid agreement on WHEN.
  6. That's why this has more value, IMO - this also has little to no meteorological basis - but we're on the right side of things here. EURO vs GFS. We'd be waiting for the eventual cave if it was the GFS showing this. GFS has it right where we want it at this timeframe.
  7. Haven't had a run like this in a long while ... that actually matters. That's a beautiful looking EURO run. Just, smoked.
  8. CMC really is a perfect setup for us. Cold. 993 off the benchmark. Boom baby boom. Let's go Euro. I'd rather have a Euro/CMC vs GFS battle all day, love those odds.
  9. Exactly. We're overdue for a big time beast. Is the 20th the one? Sure hope so.
  10. Nah, I grew up on 80's math. hehe. Sorry ya'll. I MEANT 160 HOURS out, of course.
  11. Obviously we don't want to split hairs here on a EURO AI run 160 days out but, this would be a mixer for most for sure. Pouring rain IMBY
  12. Problem is, that's a rainstorm. 32 line is in Western Maryland.
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