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Everything posted by pondo1000

  1. Cool. Well welcome back to Ohio and good luck with the apartment hunting!! I lived at home for a while after graduating college & saved a ton of money. Definitely an adjustment though after being on my own for 4 years.
  2. Thx man! Always appreciate your insight. Like being back in Ohio or do you miss Joy-zee?
  3. It’s why every winter I yearn for a good clipper pattern. We haven’t had that type of pattern for years, but it really is the only way to get snow around here. Small amounts, yes typically, but I’d take a clipper every 3 days or so to lay down some snow. Plus, there’s always a chance one or two over perform which can be a nice surprise.
  4. I was wondering why I heard Taps being played in the background a little bit ago.
  5. Make your own thread then. EVERY system is a thread the needle system for us here in central Ohio. We are reminded over and over by your kind that our climatology sucks for snow. God forbid we have a little excitement for a rare maybe couple of inches of snow.
  6. Can we get this thread past its 1st page before things come crashing down with tonight’s model suite? December 29th & one page! Oy, what a winter so far….
  7. What happened in that winter here? I was on east coast at the time.
  8. 12z GFS-snowstorm on the 7th, book it!!! LOL I am bored this winter so had to post something on this dead thread.
  9. Mood flakes. Soak it in…gonna be a while before we see any again.
  10. Snow globe here right now. Sticking to everything but pavement. Looks nice!
  11. We had a nice one last year, about 3 inches Christmas Eve into Christmas Day. Snow showers all day as well. Pretty nice. That pretty much guarantees us here in central Ohio see no snow for Christmas over the next 20 or so years! LOL
  12. So tired of them and their analog BS. Rarely works out. If you put out the same forecast over & over again, eventually you will be right once!
  13. Wow, an early post! I just thought I’d take a peak & didn’t expect to see you in here already. Hopefully a winter with much more from you this year! Cheers!
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