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Everything posted by pondo1000

  1. No idea, but to my untrained, dumb eye, 12z Goofus went a tad west?
  2. Beggers can’t be choosers but nonetheless disappointing. Hopefully we are in for a nice surprise though
  3. I don’t have a subscription either but you can read his posts on Twitter. A few days ago he mentioned March ‘94 but I think he meant ‘93 unless there was something in ‘94 too?
  4. Speaking of Larry, LC said this was an apps runner a couple days ago. FWIW
  5. My goodness what did you have for breakfast today?! Good day in the Buckeye house!!! LOL
  6. How did GFS compare to its last runs? Naked eye, stopped the SE bleeding?
  7. Why do I have this sinking feeling that I’m going to wake up tomorrow morning and check on this & see that the 0z suite is giving us a rainer? Ahh, the joys of living in central Ohio. LOL
  8. LOL! The Euro cannot be discounted so it’ll be interesting to see it’s 12z run.
  9. Seems like when the Euro doesn’t favor our area we lose. Also seems like when the Euro does favor us we still lose. It’s a real lose, lose. LOL
  10. It’s 18z unfortunately but nonetheless nice to see. BUT….loooooonnnggg way to go!
  11. Man I love optimistic Buckeye!!! LOL All seriousness, long way to go on this.
  12. Screw it, I jinxed us last time so I’m sure the 15th system will be nada for us.
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