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Posts posted by pondo1000

  1. 3 minutes ago, buckeye said:

    actually think the evolution is better than 00z.   Has more emphasis on moisture along, behind the front.   That would be like a brief period of rain and mix followed by a nice thump to bring in the arctic air.

    Yeah, but rather it be south. Someone north of that track is going to get creamed. Pretty strong Low depicted as well which I guess is why it’s so north?

  2. 10 minutes ago, buckeye said:

    Both the 18zgfs, and fv3 both trended significantly south with the monday clipper.  Euro is still north but I bet it also comes south.   It would be unusual for such a strong clipper to go through northern OH, especially this time of year with the PV so far south.



  3. 1 hour ago, vespasian70 said:

    Hopefully a trend!

    I find that clippers develop quite nicely as we get closer to the event. All aboard the clipper train!

    I’ve been touting this for years now. Give me a clipper w/ high ratios any day. Beats holding your breath on the rain/snow line all day like this past Saturday!

  4. 13 minutes ago, buckeye said:

    Hard to measure, but after a drive around ....5-6".... Jay?

    This had a huge local variability with snow amounts probably due to the convective nature.   There were areas where it looked like they got 8 or 10 inches and only a couple miles away, maybe 3 or 4.  Curious what you central Ohio guys think on amounts in your back yard.

    Hard to say b/c of wind. 5-6 seems about right. Level 3 though! Wow. Last time was March ‘08 I think. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, buckeye said:

    You guys must absolutely HATE social media....lol...I don't blame you.

    My first gut punch was when the 00z nam came in much warmer...I had a bad feeling at that point even though the gfs held.

    NAM nailed it. King failed miserably 

  6. 3 minutes ago, buckeye said:

    Yep timing is everything.   But the euro as well as some of the mesos are signaling a short but intense snowstorm tonight.  

    another sleepless night....

    Of course. Another one where it happens at night!!!!!

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