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Everything posted by pondo1000

  1. Snow globe ATM but not still not sticking to streets.
  2. Thread sits at 4 pages on 2/2. Winters are just pathetic anymore.
  3. No, no, no….February will be rocking! SSWE! LMAO! How many times have we heard that over the years?! Hope ur doing well Buck!
  4. Beggars can’t be choosers! 2 inches (more with higher ratios) gonna feel like 2 feet around here where it doesn’t snow anymore.
  5. Sure hope we’re not being set up for a disappointing snow to the north, then snow to the south (the one after this wknd) of us scenario.
  6. Probably b/c it’s been sooooo long & kind of believe it when I see it. More of a Saturday than Sunday though right?
  7. Hey there! Did you do any winter forecast yet? Would be very interested in your thoughts. Thx!
  8. Well, it’s official. February 2023 was the LEAST snowiest on record for Columbus with a TRACE. Easily a D- in my book for this winter. ONLY reason not an F in my book is b/c of white Christmas. So, in light of that, GO F YOURSELF MOTHER NATURE!!! Can’t wait for a miserable spring soccer season too. Yippee!!! You fellow Ohio’ins take care of yourself & hope to talk a lot more snow next winter!
  9. Oh, you missed ALL the action!! LOL Hope you had a nice trip!!
  10. Overperformer Sunday followed by an underperformer a few days later. Take what we can get I guess.
  11. Book it! Don’t be scared!! LOL If we score again, Buckeye is not allowed back in here when he gets back!!
  12. Been saying that for years. Gone are the days of good clipper patterns.
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