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Everything posted by Crazy4Wx

  1. I get the feeling that there might be a 20ft+ storm surge in this
  2. After watching canes for 20+ years you do get that feeling that this bombing out based on all available sat data. But, without dropsondes I do agree that you can’t verify.
  3. Umm…have you looked at IR. It is bombing out. There is just no Aircraft measuring it right now…and won’t be for another 80 minutes.
  4. Latest NHC path nudged East a little. One more nudge and New Orleans gets that eyewall.
  5. One more wobble north and Ida will steamroll into New Orleans. The NW track seems to have the eye wall 5-10 miles to the west. Also, looks beautiful right now.
  6. Been 16 years since Katrina. Sea level has risen ~3 inches since then. You need less surge each year and there is more water around. 3 inches might not sound like much, but it does make a difference.
  7. Remember, this is the year of the cicadas. Brood X. Those bugs are coming
  8. If the low truly forms in NC/SC I say it tucks I’m around the mouth of the bay.
  9. If all the models had the low forming around MD/VA and it forms 150 miles to the southwest around NC/SC what does that mean for central md?
  10. I will take pingers over freezing rain...let’s see how this goes
  11. Game time off the coast of NC...let’s see what she does.
  12. Damn...on radar this storm is fetching all the way to the TX/Mexico border
  13. I think from DC to Portland everyone is hugging a different model
  14. Current low in Kansas seems to be moving due East, maybe a smidge southeast.
  15. Good news is it held serve, didn’t go north.
  16. Agreed! You never get 3 days of straight snow in AA. Take a little sleet...be happy with over 12 inches on this run.
  17. As long as my kids can go sledding this is a win!
  18. He is in Maine. Pretty sure any movements to the NW are later in the storm evolution.
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