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Everything posted by Spidyr2k

  1. High gusty wind or freezing rain, hate 'em both. Power goes out every freaking time.
  2. Lightly falling dendrites currently here in southern Lee near Harnett line. Nice :-)
  3. Happy to report light dendrites descending from the heavens at the moment.
  4. Some melting and evaporation occurring. Sad.
  5. Itty bitty flakes, slight coverage on elevated surfaces. My daddy always said when it got really cold, "Nah, too cold to snow." My smartass reply was, "Then how can it snow at the North Pole?" He'd wink and grin, "Santa Claus."
  6. Not one single flake seen. About .125" ice glaze, thankfully no power loss(<knocks on wood).
  7. I enjoyed the ride. Thanks for the great posts, pbp's and obs. On to the next one, hopefully this winter.
  8. Sleeting lightly for about an hour. Has picked up tp moderate sleet. Zero dendrites.
  9. Personally, I'm a big fan of sleet. It's like vintage snow. And never lost power during a sleet storm. ❄
  10. Six out of seventeen years begin with '20'. That seems fine.
  11. Whenever it does snow here again, and it will, it shall be glorious. I'm kind of a 'glass half-full' guy. In almost 70 years worth of winters in central/eastern NC been lucky enough to see two massive snows(Mar. '80, Jan. '00), so guessing my ticket's punched. Only reason I'm posting here in the Sanitarium is b/c I'm a little crazy ;-)
  12. Some ice crunchies on the deck this morning @0700. All gone now. C'est la vie.
  13. Nice! Watching it here... Town of Apex Downtown Camera - YouTube
  14. Well, without the prodigious snowpack, one wonders how low the temps in central NC can get tonight and Sunday night? Still single digits?
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