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Everything posted by HarveyLeonardFan

  1. Agreed! I've been a fan ever since he nailed a March 2005 storm. Hard to believe it's been a decade.
  2. I feel it pales in comparison to all three. 2005 had absolutely ferocious snowfall rates. This storm hasn't even come close. 2013 was extremely high impact because the snow had so much juice to it and caused so much tree and powerline damage.
  3. What do you have? Are you in Kingston, or N. Kingstown? As the crow flies you're probably 15 miles or so WNW from me.
  4. Anyone have any thoughts on the unfortunate Nantucket/Vineyard dryslot? I have 8-9 inches and I think I'm gonna struggle to get over a foot because the radar returns to my south and east look weak.
  5. Will, do you have any idea why I'm on "warn status." I was placed on this on Eastern on one of my first posts because I believe I minimized the affects of one of the Gulf Coast hurricanes probably back in 2005. I'm confused as to why this carried over to the new site.

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