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Everything posted by tamarack

  1. Little black-and-whites are still calling chick-a-dee-dee, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear the almost-spring phee-bee this weekend. 3rd straight sunny day with a sharp breeze, thanks to the low that may still be burying some places in the Maritimes.
  2. Twp20/Range11&12. That combo is probably the biggest township in Maine. (Not town - that's Allagash, comprised of 4 townships.) My first winter (1976) working for Seven Islands included several nights at the Woodlands Improvement camps in E. Station while maintaining boundary lines. When I want to know the coldest temp in Maine, I look up 04741. Also, that 80" was found near the center of Big Twenty, about 12 hours after the end of a big dump - 29.0" at CAR and 26.5" (greatest I've measured, also deepest pack at 65") at our Fort Kent home.
  3. 83-84 was a bit better in northern Maine - 171" and the most massive pack I've seen. Reached 80" on Big Twenty Twp (northern tip of the state) in mid-March.
  4. What's really strange is that PVD's 7" was more than 5 times the 1.3" at BDL. I think there was a major controversy at BWI for that storm. They were clearing every hour or something like that. Same thing happened at BOS too…BOS real total was prob more like 23” instead of the “record” 27.6”. Yea, 1978 is still king...those were all total depth measurements, too. Both storms started with 3" depth at Boston. 1978 raised the pack to 29" while PDII brought it only to 19". 'Nuf said.
  5. Neither of the PDs produced a single flake where I was living at the time - suppression city.
  6. Even with the major suppression in 2002-03 and the horror of 2009-10 here, I totally agree. One plus for this very mild winter is that it's been active.
  7. I'm lazy. I'd merely sort from high to low, note n (looks like 113 since 97-02 are msg) and excise the top/bottom 11 of the column. (I also like the median in accounting for outliers. Doesn't always work, Jan snow here has the median 1.6" above the mean.)
  8. January in the Maine foothills: Avg temp: 19.8 +4.6 Avg max: 28.1 Mildest, 43 on the 10th Avg min: 11.5 Coldest, -12 on the 19th Precip: 5.47" +2.16" and 0.01" behind 2nd wettest. Greatest day, 2.18" on the 10th Snow: 29.9" +8.5" and identical to Jan 2023. Biggest day, 9.0" on the 10th (followed by 0.84" RA, making an awful mess) Depth: Max: 20" on several days Avg: 13.7" +1.7" This month was well AN for temp, precip and snow. It featured 5 significant snowfalls ranging from 3.8" to 9.0". The 1.0" squall on the 14th was one of the best since we left Fort Kent in 1985. The powerful storms on the 10th and 13th that pounded to coast did little damage here other than clogging the snowblower, as winds were modest in each.
  9. Snowfall here averages almost exactly the same for NDJ as FMA. Thru last winter the average total is 88.6", with 44.2" thru 1/31 and 44.4" afterwards. If that pattern holds for this winter (and at your place), you'll finish very slightly BN. (This should be taken with a barrel of salt. In the 2005-06 ratter, only 15% of the total came after 1/31. The next winter, it was 80% post-January.)
  10. In our 25 Decembers, 14 have been below the average and 9 led to BN winters. Only 9" on 12/31/2000 prevented 6-of-15 AN as that winter had 150% of the average here. While nearly 2/3 of BN Decembers have been part of BN winters here, the ones that were in AN winters are not rare.
  11. Said almost no one. Crummy Decembers usually lead to BN snow for the whole season, but it's not 100%. Panic and/or giving up on winter when December snow is lacking seems silly.
  12. Too far north here, only 0.5" while Manchester 25 miles to my south had 4". That half inch likely means the month finishes with 29.9", exactly like Jan 2023.
  13. Forecast has been edging things north over the past 2 days. GYX' POP from the most recent 3 forecast periods here went from 30% to 50%, now 70%.
  14. I've done my daily obs at 9 PM since moving to Fort Kent in 1/1/76, and the above numbers are for those 24-hour periods. (Prior to that, at NNJ and BGR, I observed at midnight. Given my forester job's schedule demanding wake-up at 5-5:30, I moved the obs time in favor of more sleep.) When I joined cocorahs in August of 2009, I merely added the 7 AM obs, not wishing to abandon 33 years of the evening obs.
  15. That's a lot of 'T' obs. I've only had 9, plus 17 with measurable snow. (Avg winter here has 25 'T's and 42 with 0.1"+.)
  16. My first memory was disappointment. We'd planned to drive home from SNJ on the 27th but decided it was wiser to stay an extra day with the grandkids. They had never seen a snowstorm greater than 7-8" and the forecast there was 12-16, starting in the evening of the 26th. Instead, first flakes came about 7 AM, lasted until 11 and the 1.5" total was gone by 3 PM. The grandkids were more disappointed than I was. When we got home about 6 PM on 1/28, we found 20" of 9:1 sand in our driveway, very difficult to slog thru as the consistency tended to twist and slide away from our feet. Pics and descriptions from neighbors plus other data were convincing that our home had "seen" full blizzard criteria; we've had that only 4 times in our 25+ winters here. Had we been home, that storm would've been the most powerful January blizzard I'd ever experienced, with only Jan 19-20, 1961 even coming close. (And 18 days later came the VD massacre - 24 hours before game time the forecast was 18-24; we got 1.5.)
  17. They had about the same temp as where my wife is visiting her sister, just north from Ocala. 3.8" with 0.40" LE yesterday, at 31-32°. More like a March 26 event than Jan 26.
  18. Another 3" here to go with the 3.3" today? Lots better than the total whiff that's been progged before today.
  19. Measured 3.3" from 0.26" LE at 12:30. Still snowing with very small flakes but it's likely that the 12:30 depth is as tall as it will get, though the ratio will suffer. Forecast at 7 this morning was 2-4, looked later and it was revised to 3-5, probably when the day crew looked at the radar and now-casted. Either way, it verified here.
  20. Had 3" from 7:30 to 10:30, nice moist feathers, little since but radar shows another patch of decent precip - hope it's white.
  21. Horrific for sure, not one but two huge losses. May you stay strong through this trial. The bolded reminded me of my mom, years ago. At age 55 she was diagnosed with emphysema, thanks to 40 years of 2-3 packs/day. She quit cold turkey, but over the next 15 years her lung function gradually failed, the final 18 months on O2 24/7. In the last months she felt that she could never get a full breath of air. Her two non-smoking sisters lived into their 90s.
  22. 0.2" ice on the snowboard, only 0.1" on the twigs. Currently mostly sunny, so the trees should shed later this AM. Used a goodly amount of ashes on the driveway and stairs.
  23. Had 18" of windblown powder Feb 15-16, then 24" paste bomb March 20-21 at our NNJ home. March 56 thru Feb 61 in NNJ had more big snows than any other place I've lived.
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