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Everything posted by tamarack

  1. April 2023 thru March 2024 is currently (thru 7 AM) at 63.52". 2005 had 66.67", hopefully out of reach, but #2, 63.73" will be left in the mud (no dust here). However, Feb 24 failed to get the message - its 0.95" is the driest.
  2. Of course, we do it again tonight.
  3. Where it was 10-20" it's the Octobomb, spring version, but 5/77 affected a relatively small area. I'd compare it to the BGR to MLT blizzard of Dec 30-31, 1962. In that area it might've been as powerful a blizzard as 3/1888, but in a much smaller area.
  4. IMO, 4/82 is nearly as anomalous as 3/1888 and 9/1938, and equal or beyond with the Octobomb and Jan 1998. (This latter may not have been the absolute most severe of anywhere, but its massive areal severe extent may be 2nd to none.) Sun making a weak attempt to break thru the clouds, but the overall warmth has settled the pack from 15" to 10, and thoroughly ripened it.
  5. Which is 24.5" BN thru 3/26. I'm currently 3.1" ahead of them, which is unusual. In 2000-01 we finished 5.0" ahead thanks to 55.5" in March. Ten years later we squeaked ahead by 0.2" after the 15.1" dump on April Fool's day. The 26-winter difference leaves my place averaging 33" behind CAR. Edit: Most of the above clowns would be quite frustrating here if they verified ("slim chance" is understatement). Seeing 20s and 30s barely 100 miles to the SW while we might reach 3" - even in April that would hurt, worse than 2016 when many SNE points had 5-10" of cold pow while we had cold clouds as the snow season finished 4" below the 2nd worst.
  6. Later news is that the ship's rudder became useless, they called a "mayday", and the bridge was almost completely emptied, only 8 persons on it (maintenance workers?) with 2 rescued and 6 missing. If that's true, it could've been much worse. The Army COE is to be tasked to help on the rebuild but it'll still take a long time (a year plus?) before it's replaced. Pres. Biden said that the government (us) will pay for the rebuild rather than waiting while trying to get the shipping company to pay, though I could see a concurrent attempt being made.
  7. Not just temps but precip, which has been wildly anomalous December on. DEC: 9.35" Wettest by 1.50" (26 year POR here) JAN: 5.47" 0.54" below the wettest (1999) FEB: 0.95" Driest MAR: 7.41" 0.50" below the wettest (also 1999) but likely to finish on top.
  8. Heard this many years ago: What's the secret of business success? Right decisions. How does one learn to make right decisions? Experience. How does one get experience? Wrong decisions.
  9. News said that the harbor pilot reported the loss of propulsion in time to have the bridge access blocked, though some vehicles were caught in the middle. Also, ships often head out with the tide, so the ship's speed would've remained relatively high.
  10. We reached 31° on 3 different days that month but never got higher. 16th-17th had lows of -36/-34, the 2 coldest mornings in our 26 winters here. (And Big Black River in the far NW hit -50 for a new state record.) Then February had 33" from storms of 8.5" and 24.5" 19th-23rd, briefly raising the pack to 51", though it had settled to 49 by my 9 PM obs time.
  11. A bit earlier than that. After 2.5 hours of heavily rimed flakes with some IP from 4-6:30 and moderate SN thru 9, we had at least 6" in 90 minutes, 9-10:30, and a total of 10.5" after 9 PM. I don't think I've ever seen a heavier rate - in daylight perhaps 1/16 mile visibility. We'd had only tiny flakes during the entire event, then came flakes of all sizes in that 90 minutes, then back to smaller ones though more than any earlier tiny critters. 22" total from 2.27" LE. Before 9 the ratio was 8:1, after was 12:1. Southern Franklin County FTW. (The New Sharon co-op always comes in low.) ...Franklin County... 3 SW New Vineyard 23.4 in 1033 AM 03/24 Trained Spotter Temple 1.8 W 22.1 in 0700 AM 03/24 COCORAHS New Sharon 2.0 NW 22.0 in 0700 AM 03/24 COCORAHS Farmington 4.2 NW 21.1 in 0700 AM 03/24 COCORAHS Farmington 4.8 NNW 20.5 in 0900 AM 03/24 COCORAHS 0.9 E New Sharon 19.4 in 0700 AM 03/24 COOP Rangeley 18.7 in 0800 AM 03/24 COOP New Vineyard 18.0 in 1046 AM 03/24 Public 2 WSW Kingfield 17.0 in 0630 AM 03/24 Trained Spotter 1.0 W Kingfield 17.0 in 0808 AM 03/24 COOP Stratton 17.0 in 1012 AM 03/24 Trained Spotter
  12. 7" at 2:30, fairly steady inch/hour since 9 AM, still small flakes and mid 20s.
  13. 3+ here with S+. Only S- until 9. Still very small flakes but powdery, temp ~20.
  14. Also on a dead end (a high-clearance vehicle May-November) and burned a couple of tanksful thru the 353 Husky on Dec 18, and another couple junking up the big basswood that I'd merely done enough to clear the road back then. Hey, LL Bean makes good stuff. My current winter boots are 20+ years old and have served me well in tromping thru the state's Public Lots thru 2020-21, deer hunting, snow-blowing, ice fishing et al. Don't let the yuppies that wear chamois shirts and Bean boots to the office keep you away.
  15. 10° this morning with winds 20-30, the rare spring morning with subzero WCI.
  16. Same here. Other than the first, very wet 1/4", yesterday's 5" was fluff - 14:1 for the full storm - so I've merely packed the driveway so the snowblower won't scoop gravel tomorrow. Farmington 90%/expected/10% is 7/13/16. Skowhegan 6/12/15 but they're 3 times farther from home. And sometimes May. But it doesn’t snow in April. April is super variable. Average here is 4.8" but the median is only 2". Six of 25 Aprils have had <1" (including 3 with just traces) and only 2 have reached double digits, but 2007 brought 37.2". That month had 2 of the 3 double digit events, the other on April Fool's Day in 2011.
  17. Only our 2nd BN day here, as well, but we'll still be about +8.3 for 1-21. I was surprised to see only +5.9 there.
  18. That's typical for NW winds here, both topography and dense forest 70-80 ft tall. Many Maine points recorded gusts well into the 40s but only mid 30s here. We're slightly less sheltered on east winds, but it was still an unpleasant surprise last December when we had 4 hours of 50+ gusts and major damage to our woodlot, in addition to running the genny for 100+ hours. Mid 20s for the afternoon max (spoiled by a cheap 32° high last evening) and WCI near 10. Several bad crashes reported in the area, probably where the blowing snow was icing the highways. When I traveled to Farmington this morning, the drifts all seemed to be on the many turns of Route 2 along the Sandy River.
  19. Had 5" in 6 hours overnight from a grown-up clipper. Ratio was 14:1 despite some wet flakes early - bit of ice stuck to the board.
  20. A week or more back, several posters (me included) stated that 2024 was a lot more like 2010 than 2012. For one thing, we've already had 2.5 time the precip of 2012 and are about 75% of the 2010 total. However, the max/min relationship for the 3 years reinforces the 2010 redux. Departures (rounded to tenths) - March of: Max min mean BN days 2010 +6.9 +7.8 +7.4 3 2012 +8.6 +5.0 +6.8 11 '24 1-18 +7.1 +11.9 +9.5 1
  21. SIL lives in central FL, a dozen miles north from Ocala. No beaches close at hand but quite pretty - horse country. My wife has been down there twice but I've no real reason either. However, the family reunion last May in Lancaster PA was great fun. Many clouds, fairly brisk wind, cool temps. Radar showed precip overhead but none reaching the ground here. Somehow, March temps have run about +10 while never getting milder than 51. Much meh.
  22. Yes, but barely. JJA average here is 63.29 and 2023 was 63.37, so +0.08. (And 0.01° below the median ) Turning into an above average March Snows up north. Go get it if you can. Constant refills NW NNE. CAR has had just over 40% of normal snow, month to date, only 20% here and I don't know if PWM has had any. Longitude is topping latitude so far.
  23. Hope it's not too fresh. Other than the gas pumps at Irving (not their convenience store), none of the five businesses in the Farmington intervale have reopened since the Dec 18 flood. I was looking forward to trying the new Giffords' ice cream flavors there.
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