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Everything posted by tamarack

  1. We bought ours specifically for cooling. In its 3 years, we've never used it for heat. Of course, the only wall big enough to mount the critter is about 10 feet from the Jotul. Backup is oil-fired hot water baseboard, also our domestic hot water, but wood is the main fuel. Typical winter we burn about 5 cords; probably a bit more this coming winter as we'll run a cord-plus of basswood thru the stove, from the big tree we paid to have dropped, since it had internal defect and a strong lean toward the house.
  2. The GYX site offered a work-around. I looked it up, but it involved going on the browser's "settings", typing "cache" in the search line, then emptying everything in my cache. Since that would smoke all of my passwords, among other things, I didn't care to comply. I'm probably missing something there.
  3. Another morning near 40. While we were in SNJ celebrating the HS graduation of our oldest granddaughter, it rained one night (7th) plus a shower on the 29th. Back here, the max-min showed a high of 75, low of 38 (prob. 30th) during May 25-31. Had 1.76" during the period, with other sites indicating it came all/most on the 27th into early 28th. Had a great trip, including a journey to Lancaster PA on the 30th to pick up rustic furniture for the family's new enclosed porch. Coming home yesterday, hit a real mess on I-495; shortly after we came onto it from I-290, the update sign said 26 miles to I-93, estimated 62 minutes - not good. And we didn't get clear of the stop-n-go until Haverhill. No cause seen, just too many cars.
  4. Not BX, but the GYX site has lost (temporarily, one hopes) the drop-down menus for observations/radar, etc., over the past two days. They worked for a few hours yesterday but are unavailable so far today.
  5. That's our strategy. On warmer days the fan gets used as soon as the outside temp drops below the inside. The AC mode of the heat pump is used as needed when the outside temp is the warmer, and daytime only while we're relatively near it.
  6. River is super muddy this morning, though hasn't risen much. Combo of freshly plowed fields and yesterday's TS. A friend with a scanner heard lots of calls about trees down, wires down, Farmington, Wilton, other towns. We had 0.42" but the real action passed a few miles to our south. Low of 45 this morning, first sub-50 since May 14, real CoC stuff, with enough breeze to make the black flies work for a meal. The month's first 13 days were almost exactly on the average. 14-23 was +9.3, pulling the month up to +4.1.
  7. TS just finishing here, was warned but the real stuff was a few miles south. Front end gusts 30+ (heard one snag go down) and 10-20 strikes/minute but none closer than 2 miles to MBY, about 1/3" RA and temp chopped by 15°, 80 to 65.
  8. Last week I ran the heat pump in AC mode after an hour of cutting/splitting elm firewood. 30 minutes and the sweat had stopped. Clouds dissipated by 8:30 this morning, now mostly sunny. 7th straight day with minima in the 50s; 4 days had been the longest such run here.
  9. Low-mid 70s here with low rh, very nice for cleaning up the last of the usable wood that blew down last December and remained under the roadside plow piles into last month. Bugs were a non-issue when the saw was running but a couple drew blood as I split the stuff. (Crummy wood - basswood and fir - but less than 10 feet from where I could park the truck.)
  10. When we lived in the back settlement west from Fort Kent, we made a curving tube run behind the house. 2-3 kids would climb onto an inner tube from a skidder and George the cat liked to stand in the track then jump up so to land on the kids' laps, fun for all. One time he was a bit late on the jump, though the soft inner tube caused no harm. The cat reappeared then sprinted up to our porch and sat there grooming: "Nothing to see here."
  11. For me, the best part of a Maine lobster are the big claws - succulent and tender. Do any lobsters other than the North Atlantic species have the large claws? 0.33" over 9 hours yesterday, max 61 after 5 days of 69-74.
  12. There's a lot of perception involved. As the local wx hobbyist, I get asked about the forecast. Given verification like today, different reactions: To NWS, "You blew it." To me, "You nailed it."
  13. A few days checking out the buffet, then a week or so of casual dining (the current situation here) followed by a week plus of diving in teeth first - no wandering around looking for a soft spot, just eat and run. Sugar maple leaves about 3/4 grown, red oak halfway, ash and basswood lagging behind as always.
  14. Another low 70s day, 4th in the last 5 with 69 on the one miss. TD is well below midsummer swamp level, but high enough for considerable sweat while working up some firewood. (The fact that it was elm added to the sweat, though my having killed the tree 2 years ago actually made the cross-grain a bit weaker.) Fair amount of black flies out and about, and starting to get hungry. Maybe we'll miss the worst of the swarms as we're headed to SNJ for the last week of the month - oldest granddaughter graduates HS.
  15. Already into the 50s by 7 AM, and with near full sun we'll be up close to 80 unless clouds/RA intervene. Black flies irritating but haven't been biting - yet. Maybe today will open their mouths.
  16. Red maples start their growing season by producing flowers and then seeds. Leaves are sort of an afterthought. Sugar maples start growing their seeds once the leaves approach full size. Many of the red maple seeds will sprout this summer, giving that species a head start on reproduction, while most/all of the sugar maple seeds await the next spring. There are a bazillion sugar maple seedlings popping up now, thanks to a huge crop last summer.
  17. Made it to 72 yesterday. spring's mildest so far. Just missed a 40° range, and the 33 min made for a +1 day. May is essentially average thru yesterday (+0.05). Same for precip - 1.56" compared to 1.60" avg for 1-13. If the clouds break, we'll get warm again as the morning low was mid 40s.
  18. It was there - spectacular pics from Eustis, 40 miles to our NW - but so were thin clouds that pretty much blocked the show.
  19. Only +0.5 here after 2 BN days, but we've gotten only 25% of available sunshine thru yesterday and today looks to finish as mostly cloudy. Last night's aurora display was the best I've seen. Even in Fort Kent where we'd see it more frequently, the lights were only in the northern part of the sky. Last night it was all around with some of the best in the southern half of the sky. Only very pale pink and green, though a long exposure pic would likely show a lot more.
  20. Low of 30 this morning, nothing special. May's coolest mornings have ranged from 21 to 28, except 1998 (32) but the New Sharon records began on the 17th.
  21. But it's 6 weeks after that when the average temps begin their slide. Full sun and pushing 70, fiddleheads gone by, lilac and quince buds fat and ready to pop.
  22. Old Woodsman works, though it also can keep one lonely due to its aroma. When the black flies are having a monster season, nothing works for long. In 1996 at Deboullie (25 miles SW from Fort Kent), Ben's 100 lasted less than an hour and I quit applying after the 2nd coating - slathering 100% DEET every hour might be a health issue. Even on Deboullie Pond 500 feet from shore I was getting hammered; maybe not enough airspace over the land? Usually, black flies turn the bloodsucking over to deer flies when the temp gets past the middle 80s, but that year the little beasts kept biting in 90+ sunshine. And of course, nothing works for deer flies, though I've heard that flaming kerosene helps, also remaining under water.
  23. Especially in early fall. Many years ago in NW Maine on the first Monday of October I had a bull walking toward me and grunting. It was 1.5 miles off the road in mature spruce-fir with no understory, so no place to hide. Since he might be violently disappointed at my not being the cow of his dreams, I started whooping and tossing sticks when he got within 20 yards. He dropped his head to display the antlers - one of the biggest I've seen - then after a couple minutes walked a quarter circle to my left, resumed grunting and went about his business. After my heart slowed a bit, I did the same.
  24. Fun times at large item pickup season - actual pickup set for 5/9: Several years ago, I built a solid doghouse for our rescue yellow Lab mix from Texas. However, she was highly insulted about spending a night outside, certainly fostered by the 60" of snow in her first 6 weeks here. I took the structure to the pickup site at the end of our short road today - was going to put a sign on it, "Never used, wimpy dog" but didn't get the chance. A middle-aged couple were perusing (scavaging) the things folks had put out on our road so I asked if they could use the doghouse. They said yes and it went directly from my little Ranger to their minivan without touching the ground, the wife noting that her ducks would love it. A first for anything I've set out at large item time.
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