Maybe a bit more frequent for me. For my area where winter is pretty consistent with regular snowfall, I'm defining "ratter" as <75% average snow and significantly AN temps for DJFM. That omits 02-03, which met the snow criterion but was very cold. Winters meeting those criteria are 99-00, 01-02, 05-06, 09-10, 11-12, 15-16, so 6 of 21. Worst were 05-06 and 15-16 (10-year repeat?) 09-10 had 15-20" more snow than those 2, but is in the race to the bottom due to the frustration factor - 4 EC KUs that winter, and we got 3 whiffs and #4 was the most unpleasant double-digit snowstorm I ever hope to see,
Edit: I think 75" would be close to long-term climo for your site, about 20% higher than PWM.