We had the same underwhelming "welcome" when we moved from NNJ to BGR in Jan. 1973. Saw lots of snow piles from their huge Dec. '72 but did not see even one 8" snowstorm in met winter until the 11.5" on Dec. 18, 1975, two weeks before our move to Ft. Kent. We did have 8.5" in Nov.'74, 8.6" in April '74 and 12.0" in April '75. Then, despite frequent snows and good pack, FK had no storms greater than 8.2" for nearly a year, until late Dec. '76 when 24"and 12" dumps came Dec. 26-31. Of course we were in NJ for Christmas then, missing the 2-footer entirely though we got to drive the length of Maine (after dark) during the 12-incher. (Later winters there, and at my present location, have certainly made up for that.)