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Everything posted by tamarack

  1. I've read that following the BGR-region's blizzard on NYE of 1962, dynamite was needed to loosen windpack where a highway passed thru a cut with ledge on both sides - ordinary equipment couldn't hack it. In BGR itself there were drifts over 16' tall, enough to get a large bulldozer stuck.
  2. So would I, especially as we got only the fringe of the big '05 event. Biggest snowfall here for that month was 3.2" and deepest pack 13" while March '01 had storms of 7", 9.5", 16" and 19 ", the last 2 after the equinox bringing depth to 48"on 3/31.
  3. We had the same underwhelming "welcome" when we moved from NNJ to BGR in Jan. 1973. Saw lots of snow piles from their huge Dec. '72 but did not see even one 8" snowstorm in met winter until the 11.5" on Dec. 18, 1975, two weeks before our move to Ft. Kent. We did have 8.5" in Nov.'74, 8.6" in April '74 and 12.0" in April '75. Then, despite frequent snows and good pack, FK had no storms greater than 8.2" for nearly a year, until late Dec. '76 when 24"and 12" dumps came Dec. 26-31. Of course we were in NJ for Christmas then, missing the 2-footer entirely though we got to drive the length of Maine (after dark) during the 12-incher. (Later winters there, and at my present location, have certainly made up for that.)
  4. My average for snowfall thru Jan 21 is 39.57", so this season couldn't be any closer to average so far. We'll be about 2" BN when/if the weekend storm arrives. It was about -10 at 5 this morning but warmed a few degrees until the lights went out at 6:20 - police were headed north on Starks Road (Rt 134) so I wonder if someone hit a pole up there. This cold stretch is good though because the pond ice was not trustable. Sledder went thru the ice on Moosehead over the weekend - rode too close to the mouth of the Moose River. He was pulled out fairly soon but not soon enough - pronounced dead at Greenville Hospital. I think it's the season's 1st snowsled-in-water fatal this season.
  5. Finished with 5.9". Totals were very consistent across south and central Maine plus most of New Hampshire, with almost everyone in the 5.0-6.5 window.
  6. Check out the thread for the 1/16 storm "NNE/CNE Snow Special" - awesome pics and descriptions.
  7. Was about -15 at 4:30 this morning, 10° less cold by 7 as clouds overspread. Saw IZG with -16 during the period 1-7 AM and -5 at 7. Some -20s in Aroostook. GYX going with advisory atm with progged totals right at the edge of warning criteria. P&C has 4-7 overnight and 5-8 total.
  8. The real snowicane! Hope it doesn't reach Cat 2 speeds.
  9. 5.3" at my place, a bit more than I'd expected. Maine bullseye was Cumberland County just inland, a number of double digit reports topped by 14.2" in Standish, south side of Sebago. (LES? The lake is almost totally ice free. )
  10. High end advisory event - finished with 5.3" from 0.42" LE. Steady light (mostly) SN 5:15 AM to 5:30 PM, then another 0.5" of 50:1 feathers 9-9:30. Temp dropped 5° to -2 between 5 and 7 this morning. Record will show 21° for today's max as that was the temp at 9 last night. We'll see if this afternoon clears 10°. Current WCI -32 at FVE.
  11. Color me surprised - talked to my wife about road conditions and learned we had 5+ at 3 PM, probably not much after. Very light and tiny flakes now at Augusta.
  12. And I'm checking the batteries in my snark detector.
  13. Late winter? Midpoint of heating season here (by HDDs) averages Jan 20/21, extremes 1/13 (09-10) and 1/28 (06-07.). For snowfall it's Jan 31/Feb 1. IMO, late winter arrives about a month from now. Yeah I’m on the 3-5” train up here That's probably a good guess for here as well.
  14. Light snow in Augusta, little more accum since my noontime post, probably settling about the same rate as what's falling. Stuff that's fallen beginning to look sloppy - I hope the real cold holds off until all the folks here can clean windshields buried by what's sliding off the roof.
  15. I'd be pleasantly surprised if my place gets the 5" (or 6) portrayed on the update. Been mainly under the less rich echoes so far. Maybe up to 3" in Augusta, moderate snow.
  16. Northern Door motel in Fort Kent, ride right from the parking lot, plug-ins for engine heaters, walk to Rock's diner.
  17. Half inch and SN=- at my place when I left just before 7, roads were fine. Looks like the heavier echoes stay to the south, forecast is 3-6 and should verify low end. Moderate snow at present in Augusta with 1"+, 5-8 forecast. Jeff/LR/PWMan special and Oceanstwx should score as 6 spot.
  18. 0.9" overnight, pretty much as forecast. That makes 7 separate little snow events this month totaling all of 4.1". Will #8 exceed the first 7? Would be nice if #8 doubles the month's total and #9 redoubles it.
  19. IMO, dendrite formation trumps wind when considering ratios. The 2 storms of Dec. 2003 seem to illustrate this (or something.) Both were 100% snow with temps in the teens. On 12/6-7 we had 24" with ratio of 14.7 and on 12/15 we had 13" with ratio of 8.5. The earlier storm was one of 4 events in 21+ winters to meet blizzard criteria, with gusts to 40+ and enormous drifting. The 2nd storm had modest wind and little blew around. Something beyond wind was going on. OTOH, my most recent blizzard, with winds at least as strong as 12/6-7/03, was Pi Day 2017, and brought 15.5" with ratio 7.3, all snow at low 20s.
  20. Maybe pull another 06-07 reversal? (For more than just NNE this time?) For the 67 days from Nov. 8 thru Jan. 13 our temps were +7.0. Then the next 55 thru March 9 temps were -7.6. On the 13th, Jan. temps were +11.3 and total snow to date was 11.0". From the 14th thru April 18 temps ran -4.8 and we had 84.4" snow. Farmington co-op recorded 36.1" for April, highest by 12.1" since records began in 1893, and that's with the bust on the Patriots' Day storm, 10-16" forecast verifying at 4-5" of mush plus an equal amount of catpaws RA.
  21. Super to see someone from the County - been 6 years or more since N. Maine was represented. I don't own a sled and only ride as part of work, and usually not that far. The exception was 14 years ago in mid-March and trails weren't all that great, with scant snow after the 25-35" post-Christmas dump. We rode Ft. Kent-Eagle Lake-Deboullie one day and down to Perham (Salmon Brook Lake) the next and had decent snow for day 1 (except crossing Lakes - puddles up to 4"deep on Eagle, slush under skinny snow on Deboullie) but real scratchy on day 2. A few weeks earlier some fellow from Corpus Christi contacted the manager of Aroostook Sate Park about snow conditions and was told to head for the St. John Valley. Ironic that a guy from south Texas hears there's crummy snow in N. Maine in February.
  22. Currently on Kevin W's snow table, by state: Top 10: VT 4, MA 4, NH 2 Top 20: VT 4, MA 8, NH 6, ME 2 (including #20) Some of that is numbers of participants (are there more than 4 from VT?) but it still has an "anti-climo" look. A 6-8" dump would be very nice and some current models show that and more, but we know the bullseye will move around run to run.
  23. CAR measured 12.8" snow yesterday, and their temps are +11.6° for Jan 1-12. Now 7.6° AN at my place after +23.4 and +16.1 for the weekend.
  24. The forecast ice thankfully failed to appear - we had none, just 0,1" IP. Did note 12.8" SN at CAR.
  25. After a snowy December and several early January snowstorms (though little from the huge MA blizzard), NNE had 3 warm rain events dump a total of about 4" in 10 days. Farmington co-op had a 40" pack drop to 8", truly freakish for what's normally the coldest stretch of winter. Some ice jam flooding along the Sandy River too.
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