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Everything posted by tamarack

  1. 0.61" thru 7 AM, septupling (not a real word?) my September rain, now up to 0.71". (Not counting the ~2/10" since, and the echoes to our west promise a good bit more.)
  2. Last Dec 18 we had 4 hours of gusts that I guesstimated as ~50 mph. At least half of the larger fir on our 80-acre woodlot were toppled, along with some aspen and a defective large basswood. Also, 2 of our 120-foot-tall pines had their tops blown off. The basswood and 3 of the fir fell across our road and our Generac had a 101-hour workout. I'm confident that an anemometer at 10 meters would've topped out below 40 but the 75-foot fir and those scattered big pines were catching a lot faster wind. Three months earlier we had 3 hours of ~40 mph gusts from Lee (and 0.02" RA compared to 4.21" in Dec), and the only tree damage was breaking off the 2nd fork from one of the tall pines and dumping a couple of defective fir, along with 2 hours of genny. 50 is a lot more real than 40. Hours of gusts 60 would wreck the woodlot - mine and many others'.
  3. Signed in, looked at last winter's totals, no problems. Thanks for setting up the site once again - hope the action is greater than last time.
  4. Our kids/grandkids had central air both in Decatur, IL and in SNJ, and it's very nice. At my location it would be gross overkill. Our heat pump is all the AC we need, and that's why we bought it. With 5 cords of wood on the ready, we'll not use it for heating unless we both become unable to stoke the Jotul.
  5. I shudder to think how many trees I'd have to dump before solar would be efficient here.
  6. We're 80 miles NNE from Waterboro, and haven't seen temps above 80 or dews taller than low 60s (and only 2-3 days >60) since August 5. The heat pump has been idle since then.
  7. Fat deer going into winter. Too few oaks in our area to have much effect on the critters. 37 this morning, season's lowest. If tonight is clear (which I doubt), we'd make a run at 32. Only 0.10" for the month, 0.01" (our share from the big EMA rainer) in the past 2 weeks, though we should get a modest drink this week. Fall colors are early and muted, except for some of the red maples.
  8. It's tidal all the way to ALB, where high tide occurs about 9 hours later than at Battery Place. Very weird that ALB high tide comes while at Manhattan low tide is passed and it's almost halfway to the next high. And I thought that AUG high tide being 4 hours behind Popham Beach was strange.
  9. Cloudy with low 60s, nice wx for lugging firewood up the stairs. No sun, no rain either. Maine sun is up in the County. (60s there, too, but that's their average.)
  10. Swing and miss (IMO) - looks like something Great Snow would write about "stat geeks" in the baseball threads. It shouldn't be either/or, but both. My stats (and those of others) add to my enjoyment of all wx characteristics (though I'm not big on HHH ).
  11. We've had some significant warm (like +7 and +8 days) in the past week, but August 5 thru yesterday has run 0.3° BN here.
  12. Peak summer's normal max at EWR is 87. I'd guess that BTV is about 5° below that. Edit: Checked on CLIMOD - it's 83 at BTV.
  13. My first football practice in pads was Sept 1, 1961 - mid 90s and humid in NNJ. Found 0.01" in the gauge this morning. That lifts September into double digits (of hundredths, of course).
  14. Variable. Apparently, the Maine foothills did as well as any. Site BGR CAR Rangeley Hartford** MBY Avg SN* 73.9 120.2 120.9 105.5 89.0 22-23 72.6 133.4 92.0 119.2 101.2 23-24 45.5 88.2 93.8 109.6 99.0 * 1991-2020 norms for the first 3, 1998-99 onward (total records) averages for the other 2. ** Hartford Maine lies in the Sumner Hills of central Oxford County. It's 26 miles SW from my place and 310 feet higher in elevation, a good snow catcher. Biggest foothills "catches" compared to the other sites' snowfall were 20-27"+ on Dec 16-18, 2022, 20-24"+ Mar 23-24, 2024, and 14-20" Apr 4-6, 2024. Hartford had a total of 68.3" from those 3 storms; my share was "only" 57.9".
  15. Ash, both white and brown, are dropping leaves about 2 weeks earlier than usual. Those trees are quite variable due undoubtedly to genetics as all seem vigorous, with leaf drop ranging from 20% to total, the brown a bit less drop than the white. The white birch sprout group within our driveway circle has dropped 60-70% (it always drops early) but the bunch near the old stock pond only 20% drop. Other species maybe 10% except the red oaks, which still think it's June. Color change is modest near the house.
  16. I learned this fact years before going thru forestry school. Where I grew up is near the southern extent of glaciation and the hills still have only thin soil over ledge. If drought was going to kill trees, summer 1966 would've been the time. 1965 was the driest year on record for DE/NY/PA and all 3 SNE states. NYC recorded only 26.09" that year, more than 6" lower than 2nd driest (which was the previous year). Met summer 1966 is NYC's driest since records began in 1869 and only 2010 was hotter. That summer I worked at Curtiss/Wright's NNJ lake resort and the forest there was oaks, maples and some black birch, much of it on those thin soils. Given that summer's wx plus the antecedent drought, the lack of trees dying in that area was testimony of the bolded section above. BTV is the longest climo spot and their 85F high is a tick shy of the 87F daily record On Sept 24-27, 2017, BTV had 91/92/91/90, probably their latest heatwave. Mostly sunny so far, though not warming quite as quickly as the past few days, despite a higher launchpad.
  17. My long-time employer, Public Lands, is well below average on timber harvest volume this year. Would really be nice to slide directly from warm-wx harvesting to frozen ground without the usual 4-6 weeks of fall mud season. Only happened twice since I started my 1st forester job, 1976 (my 1st year) and 2013, so that's a tall ask.
  18. I had 0.04" between 9 and midnight on 8/31, but since my obs "day" is 9P-9P, it's recorded as 9/1. Nearly doubles our monthly total.
  19. High of 80 yesterday was the first 80+ since August 2. 7-day from GYX offers zero precip here. Should that hold for the following week, this month would eclipse October 1963 (0.14") as the driest month I've seen. That month the NJ Governor closed the state's woods and even banned fishing after 10/20, a shame as the previous week I'd found lots of action on our small lake and the near-windless low 80s with lots of color still showing would've made for excellent days on the water. Speaking of eclipse, I didn't go out with the pup until 11:10 last evening but there still was a small bite out of the top edge of the supermoon. Max was closer to 10:30 but probably less than 1/4 shaded here.
  20. Looks like we touched 80 today, making 17 of 27 Septembers to have reached the mark. (In 2002 we had 2 days in the 90s, including 93 on 9/9, tied for the hottest for any month.) Thru the 11th we were 2.6° BN. After today we'll be almost exactly on the average.
  21. Orb weavers going crazy. Maybe even Wiz could appreciate the beauty. Almost hot this late morning, some haze along with the sunshine.
  22. Only 0.09" so far here. We're in the .1-.25 color - close enough. Average thru 9/17 is 1.84". I hope we get siggy rain before major leaf drop; could get some serious brush fires otherwise if we get a windy day with all that crispy fuel on the ground. Maybe my brother in Leland NC (10" over the past 2 days) could send some.
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