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Everything posted by hazwoper

  1. Not me. The snow was coming just after temp drops and ended when it was 29 here. Never was going to be an issue on the roads. Flash freeze WAY overblown, as usual
  2. Wasn’t it a high of like 55 at 3am? Kinda hard for a short period of snow to stick to roads at that temp and soaking wet from rain
  3. I wasn’t expecting anything to lay. A win for me and my kids.
  4. Then answer the question. If you speak of warming from 4000 years ago, what process back then was similar to mans releasing of carbon locked in the crust? The answer, nothing compares in earths history. NOTHING.
  5. Heading to Hunter Mountain with my sons Thursday evening during this timeframe. Should be interesting....
  6. Was skiing at JF all day yesterday. Beautiful conditions with snow falling all day, 3" approx, but a bit wet and sticky with heavy pancakes.
  7. Looks like the La Quinta. Should start coming down good shortly
  8. Yeah, this is what NWS Mt Holly said about that banding. Like I said, not heavy rain. It’s indicative of mixing
  9. My house was under those echos. It was mixed, not heavy rain
  10. Those yellow returns are the areas of mixed precipitation
  11. Not at home, but family reporting sn/rn mix. 39.9 on the tempest. DP 34
  12. Tons of lighting here with this last cell.
  13. Pretty long lasting here with amazing cloud to ground and cloud to cloud strikes.
  14. Adam Joseph had the CC radar up from the tornado in Tinicum. Definitely debris balls signature
  15. Central bucks actually. 13 miles from me
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