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Everything posted by hazwoper

  1. I am also not saying that the use of FFs over the last century and a half was not a necessary evil for us as a civilization to grow. The thing is that we have come to a place in time where the previous status quo is not sustainable for the longevity of our species and our planet. We have come quite a way since the early 19900s and the time is now to use our collective brains to make for a better planet and one that will continue to thrive long after you and I are gone.
  2. OK, that is a fair point. I, too am not saying that there are not general variabilities in climate over time, BUT the difference is that I understand that the science is clear that what we are doing is absolutely increasing temps far greater than if we hadn't been here.
  3. You are clueless about the general climate cycle that has repeated itself since earths formation and its difference from mans continued increases in carbon releases due to burning of FFs. Also, I have a degree in Environmental science, but would never call myself a scientist either. BUT, I am educated enough to understand the difference between the general cycle of carbon on our planet over billions of years and the man caused massive release of carbon in just the last 100-150 years.
  4. Ohhhh....so you're a scientist. Gotcha. LOL. The science is settled for your information. The release of carbon from the burning of fossil fuels that have been held up in the earth's crust since well before the dawn man are ABSOLUTELY, 100% increasing global temperatures. Its settled science Mr. Scientist.
  5. For those that don't understand the science of burning FF and releasing carbon, which has been locked in our crust since the dawn of time, and how it is absolutely negatively impacting our climate and in turn our species should probably go back and get an education.
  6. No one.....and I mean NO ONE, start a storm thread. That is all.
  7. Not "more amped" though. The energy behind it is delayed which allows it to cut. Later redevelopment and weaker.
  8. Kind of already over winter TBH. LR models show some below average temps, but really the overall pattern doesn't favor many decent shots at storms through 2/17. I mean, I'd take a late month storm, but not holding my breath and honestly after all this cloud cover, I am ready for spring and summer.
  9. Shame it’s not a full moon tonight. This is the kind of snow that looks like diamonds under a full moon.
  10. Models struggle with ratios in these set ups. I’ve seen many times over the years where Mt Holly picks up on this fact. Vey low moisture can pile up when the conditions are perfect.
  11. Hoping for 4”. Wouldn’t be at all surprised to only see 2-3”, but feeling good for some reason. Meh
  12. It’s currently 32 at my house with a DP of 18. Ho read up on wet bulbing in storms like this one. You might learn something
  13. Ah, so you know more than professional meteorologists. Got it. Thanks.
  14. Not based on the mesos, which should be used at this point for small features such as inverted troughs
  15. How rare is it to have super cells with large imbedded tornadoes forming off the cost of the Carolinas and making landfall in mid January. Serious question.
  16. How rare is it to have super cells with large imbedded tornadoes forming off the cost of the Carolinas and making landfall in mid January. Serious question.
  17. Flip back to mainly snow here in Hatfield pretty crazy and unexpected
  18. Keep an eye out for this slug of moisture heading NE. I have a feeling that will flip you and ABE back to mix. Curious to see if I am right.
  19. I am in Lansadale. Surprised to see a lot of flakes still mixed in. CC seems to be moving SE a tad near here.
  20. It’s not accurate. Way off. Use CC
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