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Everything posted by hazwoper

  1. I don't know. To me it just seems like this pattern will be a tough one to change. So many factors seem to be aligning negatively. We had a nice La Nina last year, but this one seems more typical. Obviously the pattern can flip, but I'm not all that thrilled. A Miller B or two, sure, but pattern seems to be favoring cutters constantly here.
  2. This is gonna be a long winter. And by long I mean sheety.
  3. How do I upload a video from phone when it keeps telling me it’s too large?
  4. You should get some as well. It’s 37 and snowing where I am currently in Warminster. Where the hell is Ralph?
  5. More coming down now. Wooho! I’d post a video but too large
  6. Was just some light snow here about 20 mins ago. Nice surprise
  7. perhaps, but the timing aligns perfectly with the bidlink data I provided. Also, the same thing was happening in the mid Atlantic at exactly the same time. "If it looks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, it must be a duck"
  8. Check it out. Live migration maps. I think that is definitely what you and I were seeing. go to end of the run. They take off at sunrise and you can see the migration across the US as the sunrises. https://birdcast.info/migration-tools/live-migration-maps/
  9. Based on this, I think it may be exactly what it was showing. Geese migration has been extreme the last few days https://www.weather.gov/abr/nwsdopplerradardetectsgeesemigration
  10. Fantasy range? Absolutely. But, man would this be perfect timing. Based on 500mb, it would have a tough time running too far north, but its a nice signal for the change we need at exactly the right time.
  11. Noticed them all morning even down in DC area. Geese taking off perhaps?
  12. I went with a Tempest. We’ll see how it goes. Will be nice to have some real time data to share with everyone
  13. Need recommendations for home weather station for my 15 yr old son. He has caught the itch and wants one for Xmas. Any suggestions for a station that is easy to use and will provide the most info to keep him enthused. TIA
  14. I'd take a miss here with the hopes of late Dec/early Jan snow
  15. That is not a sleet storm setup with a low riding to the south
  16. No one….I mean NO ONE talking about the 18Z GFS?!
  17. 0Z CMC is intriguing for the end of its run
  18. Question all here: Does a Hurricane or Tropical storm lose its name once it is downgraded to a depression and/or extra tropical cyclone? If so, does NOAA have this documented somewhere? This is an insurance related question. TIA
  19. Crazy and honestly worse than even I expected. I don’t have a gauge, but looking at surrounding reports I have to be over 9” here. Amazing system!
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