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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Lizella, GA

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  1. Many thanks for the stat's that you provided in the long range thread leading up to this. It's been a great few past days to speculate and then watch it all play out. Topped out at 2.1" here.
  2. If you want some fun later this week, just go back to the long range thread, page 40 or so, I think, and start reading the beginning comments on what has become The Brick Storm.
  3. Glad to hear you escaped ! I have good friends from Peach County. I was around for Feb '73. Thomaston area, then. Second grade, too. Got almost two feet ! Still steady light snow but only about an inch here, thus far. Hoping that those heavier returns in Alabama make it here. (And Frank Malloy has obviously been drinking the same water as Dick Clark, Tom Cruise, etc)
  4. I would call it moderate snow here in Lizella(Macon). Started promptly at 2:00. Cars nicely covered. Yard about 50% covered. 30/21
  5. Good to hear. Was really curious about the Arkansas/ North Louisiana returns. I was hoping that moisture transport was more north and maybe a little stronger than modeled.
  6. Widespread, but light, Virga Snow (I'm supposing) to our west on radar right now. I looked around and don't see any reporting stations reporting that this is making it to the ground, but this radar image wasn't progged on any of the Hi-res models for this time period, was it? Or, can someone chime in that knows if the models account for virga in their renderings.
  7. Metal Man and GaWx still looking good.
  8. Euro looks wetter than GFS and NAM at 81hrs to me...
  9. "One of these things is not like the other ! "
  10. 35deg and Light to moderate sleet now. Love the sound of it hitting the super-dry leaves in the yard.
  11. Great band that is delivering for the south metro, Tony ! 35/29 here and approximately 13 sleet pellets on the porch. (edit,..14 sleet pellets)
  12. You must immediately desist with your questioning of the sleet due to Tony and me ! This is science, after all. (sarc)
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