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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. As @OceanStWx alluded to earlier, seems like all the sensitivity is due to the western ridge. Confindence of storm is 100%. Where and details to be ironed out.
  2. Of course you use the Ensm but just want to make sure we're all looking at the same Op model output. Saying the Euro was weaker when it had a closed off circulation from the surface up through 700mb, is incorrect.
  3. Just checked my home cams. Nothing falling.
  4. Damn. 27.5F. It's been a week since it's been this cold. Benign low temps.
  5. Op GFS is not be be trusted right now. Way too wild in solutions. The Euro and Ukie have been pretty stable and consistent in their solutions. My gut is saying the Euro is a bit over-amplified with the primary. That's one thing we don't want to see if you're looking for a solid snowfall around here. I'd like to see a quicker transfer to 2nd-ary before the primary is over Pittsburgh. Keep using the Ensm for now.
  6. Yup. We had a colleague spend almost 2 weeks in the hospital from it. No comorbidities and was not vaccinated. It made a believer out of home after he got out and regrets not having been vaccinated. I now know far too many people who have contracted this latest variant to varying degrees of illness.
  7. It's why I don't believe any modeling anymore. It's pure entertainment until it's in my face.
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