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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. I've only started looking at this in depth over the last day, so I can't comment on that but the cold dump preceding this looks really good.
  2. You'd be surprised. My boss was looking at a new Ford truck and they were going to tack on a $5k fee above the sticker because they said that's what the market is demanding now and dealer stock is so limited everywhere. This was at Jack Madden.
  3. I'm in agreement on an inside the BM track. I'd still feel pretty confident about mostly frozen with that track unless this comes up over CC.
  4. I'd hope you have a car in mind to purchase and are ready to pay well over the sticker price.
  5. Just looked at the 00z Euro and the SLP placement is definitely off from where the best forcing is. Looks like it should be about 50-75mi further W when looking at the 12z Friday panel. 06z GFS looks more like what I feel the Euro should look like. Now the question becomes, will this rip further W or will the W ridge help dampen that out and the storm rides up just offshore. Either way, the antecedent airmass looks damn frigid ahead of this storm, so I'd feel pretty good away from the coast for all snow. Even the coast would start as snow.
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