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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Definitely a bit warmer there. It's 23F here. Nothing remarkable.
  2. Looks like last frozen precip for the forseeable future here.
  3. And don't be shocked by brief period of rain at onset. Surface temps in the mid/upper 30s over areas where precip falls.
  4. Subtle shift S & E with forcing and resultant QPF. Really amounts to noise.
  5. 18z NAM just double downed and came in more amplified.
  6. Storm brewing in SE on the 25th. May not make the corner. This is the energy the Euro buried in the SW, so we need to keep and eye on that and whether or not Euro bias is in play.
  7. Euro burying that energy in the SW. Get that to lift out faster and phase with energy coming out of Manitoba.
  8. There's a good stripe of RH over SE areas, so maybe they see some light precip.
  9. A part of this forum that annoys me. Disregard a model because of past results rather than look at it and see if it fits the pattern and other model consensus.
  10. Yeah, I don't BS around when I'm looking at models. Tell it like I see it. And verbatim the GFS is ever so close to a huge hit on the 24th. Need to sharpen up the trough a tad.
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