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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Gonna be fun to watch TAN vs my Davis vs NWS Forecast. 90/90 is current forecast. Me thinks TAN hits 92-93 both days and my Davis hits 86-87 Got a 9am appointment in Sharon but after that we chillin in the pool.
  2. If you compare it to where we've been over last 7 days, its going to be hot.
  3. Beautiful AM. Bring on the heat. Can't wait to chill in the pool.
  4. 0.00" here. Sun is now out after early AM clouds.
  5. Today looks similar to Saturday, In and out of the clouds with temps around 70.
  6. “Lawn” is a disatah with ongoing construction that is taking waaaay longer than it should. Only lawn I have is what the front I did last year and I haven’t kept up with it. Have only mowed it once this entire growing season and that was a month ago now. Hasn’t really grown much either since than.
  7. Indeed today does blow. Cloudy and nearing 60F.
  8. Let's get some sustained 80s 1st. I've only hit >80 9 days since May 1st.
  9. I do, and it was a nice day. https://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/meso_base_dyn.cgi?stn=KTAN&unit=0&timetype=LOCAL Even my Davis, which is shaded for a lot of the day, managed to get into the upper 60s.
  10. Yeah, I was keeping tabs on the tournament. Amazing achievement.
  11. Now that the rains have come in, its finally shitty out. Right around 50F and rain. Polar opposite of yesterdays sun and low 70s.
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