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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. May split just enough to not hit full on. So close to 2", I'm greedy to make it.
  2. We wish it was like the tropical grounds of Stowe where it precipitates every day.
  3. I'm about 5 miles (correct?) north of you and it's completely dry Yeah, between 5 and 6mi and TB13 is 8mi. 1.17" now.
  4. Bucket keeps ticking up every few seconds as it plays catch up to the deluge. 1.00" and counting now.
  5. Latest downpour got me up to 0.42". Getting somewhere. See another cell just popped up west of me. Hopefully that holds together coming through here.
  6. Impressive heat here today. Doesn't look/feel as windy as prior days.
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