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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. It's a pain in the ass to control. Sticky on the fingers from the sap when you pick them.
  2. Pretty serrated in this photo. https://macphailwoods.org/nature-guides/trees/yellow-birch/
  3. Was probably too soon to catch the crabgrass germinating.
  4. I agree on the landscape bed. You could do a rock out-cropping and surround it with some plants/grasses and even a small flowering tree like an apple/cherry.
  5. I have not. I will later if the weather permits.
  6. I'll take a look at the bark again tonight. I do think it is peeling so that would confirm a birch to me. The area in which this tree grows is shaded for 50-70% of the day. It only receives AM sun. Underneath the canopy there I have pink lady slippers come up annually. There are ferns and wild blueberry shrubs.
  7. I'm leaning yellow birch. It's clustered among white birches that are of similar height and age.
  8. Variety of tree? I’ve seen this grow from a seed to what it is now which is around 20’ tall. Not bad over 14 years time.
  9. Yeah, that looks to be it. The trees grow tall too, 50-60' with huge leaves and white flowers. The bark is coarse, much like an oak tree. The appear all over the place around here this time of year as the blooms come out. Quite stunning.
  10. What's the tree that is currently blooming and has leaves the size of elephant ears? Can't for the life of me fine out online.
  11. It's unfortunate that he'e dying but good luck proving that is was the glyphosate that caused his cancer. The evidence is stacked against him but the shear amount that we was using/exposed to may be the overriding factor.
  12. How about a cistern to catch roof run-off? Would not completely fill your watering needs but would help.
  13. I'd be curious to know how deep the roots were able to establish by last Fall. The shallower they are, the more water they would need. And if the weather was hot last Summer, the root growth may have stopped so they may only be a couple inches right now. I'd keep at it and water the lawn as much as you can and then overseed it again this Fall. https://plantscience.psu.edu/research/centers/turf/extension/factsheets/cool-season
  14. Yeah, something went wrong. Looks like the roots dried out.
  15. Something likme this https://hancockseed.com/seed-varieties-241/fescue-grass-seed-574/turf-type-tall-fescue-grass-seed-575/
  16. KBG requires a ton of water to maintain. You should look into more drought resistant grasses like tall fescues that can go longer periods between watering/rains.
  17. Yeah, I was just basing my thoughts on what looks like a sunny exposure with the ground not too dry being next to wetlands and the likelihood that the soil is acidic since this is New England.
  18. How's the soil there? Any thoughts on planting Blueberries/Raspberries/Blackberries?
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