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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. The melts coming? 1/2 of you have already lost it.
  2. Lol, I just looked. It’s been 45 days since I last saw accumulating snow. Could be another 7-14 before I see my next.
  3. There is something to be said about the consistency of the pattern without any semblance of change on the near horizon. Easier to go with what you’ve seen then what you don’t know will come.
  4. People need to find another hobby if they’re going to bitch on a forum about the lack of snow.
  5. Can’t say I’m disliking this weather.
  6. Month of MET winter in the books already. The days are getting longer. Pack it up.
  7. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that.
  8. He can’t handle verbatim posts. Always has to spin optimistic. The Para GFS was nothing spectacular and was the snowiest 12z run.
  9. Ray, how much split flow action do you think we see? You seeing much subtropical flow in ENSO modeling? I’ve not had any time to dive into much.
  10. Gets shunted east pretty quickly on the para gfs
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