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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Where is this under modeling of QPF commentary coming from. 0.60” and plenty more to come per radar.
  2. I was certainly not excited by overnight runs. Still looks best N of here.
  3. I have an Ariens from when we moved in to our house in 2004. Needs some maintenance to it but still fires up to this day without ever taking to be serviced.
  4. Only 8” behind him here. Edit that. 10”
  5. Finback sitting in the fridge waiting.
  6. You got anything else to do? It's 3pm on a Friday.
  7. Well if we dealing in fantasies, post the Day 10 EURO snow totals.
  8. I would have to imagine the weaker the initial WAA pulse, the follow up pulse could come in as a colder solution.
  9. For you, sure. For BOS and points S/SW doubtful. Gradient winter persistence right now.
  10. Looks boring for the foreseeable future. Next weeks winter event looks like W/C/NNE special with little to no snow south of the border for the Metro Boston area.
  11. It’s not. It’ll be another C/NNE CJ
  12. We just Krakatoa to blow up so we have another winter over summer.
  13. Tossed deep and far into the Atlantic. Shit solution.
  14. To each their own. GFS looks like dog shit where I live, for the foreseeable future.
  15. Ant and James need a vacation on the BM
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