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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. This storm fizzled out as fast as the Alabama Crimson Tide did last night.
  2. Heights in the southeast being relaxed won’t help. Sucker needs to gain some latitude across the southern tier for it to make a run at us.
  3. FYP. No excitement yet until threats are imminent.
  4. I like da split flow. @40/70 Benchmark This is what I was referring to when you posted those 500mb charts about a week ago or so.
  5. If you can undercut that ridge, you've effectively cut off the PAC.
  6. Been asleep for 52 days. Looks like another 10-14 coming.
  7. Said it a few days ago. Wake me up when we are 3 days out
  8. Sun angle is too high I forgot that one too. The ground isn't even frozen here. I just easily dug up 4 hydrangeas and relocated them so the electrician can replace the light post next to my driveway.
  9. LOL. Warm ground and lousy rates will need to non-accumulating MEH.
  10. Exactly, we are in a persistent shit pattern. Still another 7-10days before SNE may see some real Winter.
  11. I’d want to be in far NNE right now for much snow accumulation
  12. Yeah and with the intesifying follow up storm, there is a sneaky waa punch ahead of it that enhances it.
  13. Deluge here. Deformation rain bands ftmfw
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