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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. It would be nice if that H was anchored another over Montreal prior to it moving in. Currently its modeled to be about 150mi N of that.
  2. Yep. This is actually a storm we want to come in weaker then currently modeled.
  3. F-U-G-L-Y. One thing Scott pointed out was the developing ridge near Bermuda that is helping to kick this west more over the last couple days of model runs.
  4. I think you'll be hard-pressed to see the MLs close off with this given the setup. This is basic an open wave storm developing along the arctic boundary. It's not a re-developer.
  5. God no. I would never throw out those amounts. 10-15" is possible though in this setup.
  6. Widespread, no, but when you have a moisture laden system slamming into an arctic air mass such as this, we have seen some prolific snow events transpire.
  7. Yeah, it's compressing the flow, shearing out that northern piece.
  8. Even the ICON is cold at the surface, Can't see the MLs though. Temps barely exceed 30F at the peak and that is only in SE MA and CC.
  9. 12Z ICON is about what I expect out of this.
  10. That's what the GFS argued for 12hrs ago. My how models have changed.
  11. What happened to low end warning amounts?
  12. Pretty sad to go 1/2 way thru MET winter and just see your 1st single digits low. Hit 9F finally this AM. On to this pesky fella. Antecedent cold looks solid. I'm hoping we don't see the primary tend any stronger as it will lead to warming in the BL along the coastal plain. Sort of hoping for a minor overrunning event here.
  13. No thank you. No when the BL temps go above 0c.
  14. background winter theme has been wagons north. Tough to argue/break that until the pattern truly takes shape for southern areas. Overnight runs for weekend did not drastically change to think that we can see much snow for south and eastern areas of SNE.
  15. Not seeing huge differences in the GFS from 18z but riding out west is just a bit further east and PV looks to press just ever so slightly.
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