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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Maybe on your side of town they weren’t.
  2. Yup. Could be in the last week of January with less then 10”. Winter of 80s yore
  3. Enjoy the storm and the GTG. I’m trimming my snows to 1-2” then 2-3” of rain.
  4. Some low ratio snows. Get some 6:1 8:1 type taters.
  5. I recall riding on some trails up in the hills east of heald pond on the Lovell/stoneham line
  6. Along route 302? I’ve seen some of the trails/crossings thru that stretch. Also the crossing over moose pond.
  7. For sure. Model is just pointing out where it is . I think it ends up N of there those as I can't by any appreciable icing at the coast occurring.
  8. Stop. Collaborate and listen. Ice is on a brand new mission.
  9. Nammy virtually unchanged at 850mb thru 42h.
  10. Heights are just a hair higher over the northeast though.
  11. Agreed. Keep doing what you're doing and I'll butt into the discussion every so often when I'm bored in my head and need some mental stimulation.
  12. Let's keep the GW remarks out of the storm discussion.
  13. Thanks for the response. The last 2 months(60 days) have averaged 0-2F above normal, so I'll concede that my point was not more concise when I said "warm". I meant relative to climo. I agree that we are at peak climo for snow for the next 30 days so you'd think that kicks in at some point. I'm just not sure this year is behaving like your typical weak ENSO state To the last point, I'm talking track deviations of 20-30 miles at most wrt to snow pack influences. Probably not even measurable to the impacts of the pressing high.
  14. So you don't think having a snowpack would impact the surface track path at all or just minimally?
  15. What causes that? Is that downsloping off the Whites?
  16. I'd side with your logic. There are a couple mitigating factors in my mind. There is the background "winter" that we have been having in SNE that's been warmer then normal and we also don't have any snowpack to speak of in SNE which would have helped facilitate the SLP sliding along that denseer cold.
  17. I'm was saying to @TauntonBlizzard2013 and @butterfish55 to shoot for 5-7", some sleet/ice/rain and then possibly some light snows on backside. Hopefully the WAA thump comes in like a wall. An hour or 2 in changeover makes a world of difference.
  18. And one that models cannot fully decipher will we are within the final stages prior to an event.
  19. I said something unsavory to him the other day and he got mad at me and said he didn't like being undermined.
  20. But I'm the douche for calling him out the other day.
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