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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. DaNile is a long a winding path to travel to reality.
  2. Yep. PAC has been controlling everything. Lack of HP over AK and PNA being either non-existent or ridge axis too far west have made for a great winter elsewhere,
  3. Some downstream blocking sure would help in this current regime.
  4. For your sake, I hope you're right. I got no stake in Winter forecasts or outcomes. My life will still go on whatever the outcome.
  5. If that lobe is centered where I said it needs to be, that's a solid hit for us. I also know its not as simple as this as we also need help from the upstream ridge over the west coast.
  6. I would never want the center of a PV over your ass. I'm referring to the lobes that are rotating around it. That's going to be a critical piece to next week without any help from downstream blocking. Timing is everything.
  7. I don't want it over BVT. I see one lobe of the PV pushing thru on Monday. It's the follow-up lobe that's my one focus. Heights are beginning to recover after the Monday lobe moves thru and there is a southern stream s/w that is also mucking up the flow. I'd prefer to the follow up PV lobe just N of say Lake Superior by about 12z Mon/ 00z Tues at the latest to make this more interesting then currently modeled. Just how I see it right now.
  8. I didn't look at a single snow map. Just looked at the 500mb and SLP maps. My concern is the PV is way up in Hudson Bay so I don't see much mechanism to get this to dig further S.
  9. Interesting? Maybe for C/NNE verbatim. Primary pretty far west over the GL. With another SLP off southerast coast, there is only so far this can diggity dig.
  10. Dis they go over the existing shingles or was it a complete strip job down to the sheathing? If they did that, I assume they would have put a strip if ice & water shield at the eaves which will help mitigate ice/water intrusion. I've personally never cleaned out a gutter from snow and the fact that you raked the first couple feet should help.
  11. Gonna need a lot of help to get Monday to work out.
  12. Can't disagree that the "look" is about as good as it's going to get looking at the 500mb charts, around the middle of next week. Right now it looks like we may be on the warm side of things but if we can shift the entire upper air pattern East some, we may have a workable wintry solution.
  13. Certaining isn't deep in our area. Like a crusty 1/2" tops. Will be long gone Friday.
  14. LOL, that's not saying much given the tenor of this season to date.
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