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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. It'll morph into either a SWFE or a phase job with the PV lobe.
  2. Yeah, I don't buy into the MJO having a huge factor on us in New England.
  3. Right now I do not see a favorable ATL into the 1st week of February, so we are left to rely on the PAC. Snowfall is not something one can easily predict with any level of confidence, especially in areas like ours where 1-2 major storms can skew the numbers relative to an overall season. I guess for the southern portion of SNE, our hope is we can make a run towards 75% of our seasonal norms.
  4. I've had quite a few SWFE that dropped 6-12" going back to those mid 2000s. Goes back to my original point of the overall tenor for the season. It's been a C/NNE winter for the most part and until the Atlantic gives some help, I feel this new pattern will continue to favor there.
  5. Next week is a classic case of where having some downstream blocking would be beneficial.
  6. Are you seriously surprised? Hell, mine was gone before midnight last night. I came home to couple splotches in the yard. This AM there were just couple small "snowbanks" left.
  7. Now I haven't said this. From where I sit, next weeks setup is garbage for me. Ridge axis out west needs to push east another 100-150 miles. What transpires after next week, is anyone's guess. Looks like we go into the freezer for a few. Perhaps we score a clipper in there and then maybe we get a coastal as the PV lifts out.
  8. Or conversely, time to devolve into a rainer.
  9. The last storm in this timeframe had 6/6/1 for snow #s. Lob off the 1st 2 6s and that's what I saw.
  10. Those have been awful this year. If they were right, I’d be at 75% or more of my seasonal snow.
  11. What I see occurring next week is a wave of low pressure will develop along the PV lobe dropping into the Midwest. Orientation and location of that are the critical pieces. I’d favor the background tenor of this season with a C/NNE winter storm but even they may not be safe if this cuts west of us as some models show.
  12. “Snowbanks” are all that are left now. And I use that term generously.
  13. I have no clue. I don’t do/keep records. 2011/12 I had 14.8” for the season looking at the stuff WKev has so it’s within that realm.
  14. How can one melt if they were never frozen? I'm sitting here mocking the "all snow, all the time" crowd when the pattern still is not great. Serviceable, if timing works out, but not one that wreaks of confidence in a wintry outlook.
  15. Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Sign me up for that. Said no one ever.
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