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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Upfront costs for a heat pump make them unecomomical for contractors to put in.
  2. I’d go all in on the under for 6-10” for S CT/ RI/ SE MA/ CC and Islands. 6” delineation line will be I90 or so.
  3. Overnight guidance pretty much holding steady. Looks like model noise overall to be quote honest. Not a solution I care for
  4. 10:1 is gonna happen here as well, so lop off a couple inches.
  5. For the sanity of many here, you hope that’s true. I would not bank on them working this year. Busted motor needs repair.
  6. I’d say the insane ones are those who don’t admit how shitty this winter has been for snow and don’t want to discuss it. Holding back those feelings are unhealthy.
  7. I thought my thread would garner more attention. My mojo is legendary when I’m feeling it.
  8. Yup. You don't like, don't read it. Ignore it
  9. I think people would prefer we post about 9 irons and drivers
  10. This is what has me leaning towards a better defined coastal. There is unanimous agreement in the GEFS for the NAO to plummet towards neutral next week.
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