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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Steady light snow in Milford. Ground already coated.
  2. Looks like noontime for 1st flakes in Metro Boston South.
  3. And would you consider N Foster representative of SNE as a whole?
  4. Post em. Dewpoints plummeting. Could be any interesting event unfolding. Will the Frigidaires overcome or will they fall in a valiant fight to the Warmanistas?
  5. We just dropped 6F in the dew here in the last 20min. 6F now
  6. Lol at calling >1” “snowpack” give me some stats for >4” & >8”. grassblades are taller then 1”
  7. Having to drive 100 miles a day like I do would with constant snow would drive me nuts
  8. You realize we don’t live in an area that sustains pack for any extended period historically. Microclimates excluded.
  9. I’d say the majority on this forum are storm driven. Pack is only for those whose lives depend upon it.
  10. Down this way. yes. Up in NE MA it may be an hour or 2 later
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