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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. I'm seeing that as well. Light OES signal.
  2. That storm was insanity. Only got like 4-6" at home if I recall.
  3. To me it looks like the Pacific is improving, which in turn is making next weeks system more favorable for coastal redevelopment. We are seeing heights building up into AK now which promotes downstream trough.
  4. Just a small shift on the 06z GFS for next week.
  5. Seems we need an edible intervention, calm people the fuck out.
  6. The white stuff is strong shit around here. Leads to all sorts of ailments.
  7. Pretty solid antecedent airmass for the 16th.
  8. Nice scooter shit streak over New England preceding the 16th.
  9. Yeah, squeeze play. I like that primary is further S and should occlude allowing secondary to develop further S too. Should be a better solution for Northeast.
  10. Still possible but the trend has not been in his favor over last 24hr.
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