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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. AC being installed later next week. Gotta empty it out.
  2. 95/75 HI 107 attic is about 120f can’t stay up there more then a minute
  3. 91.4/75.2 did my am errands. Hot and sticky now. No relief as I need to clear out attic for install. No more window units.
  4. Nice temp gradient. 81F here and 91F at OWD
  5. Makes 3. 81F here with a pleasant breeze.
  6. Have only been able to string 2 90F in a row and it looks to continue
  7. Getting there. 88/72. Need another 4F and couple more on the dew.
  8. Was down in Newport a little while ago. Absolute deluge. It was chilly. currently 66F
  9. Tomorrow does not look too bad here, Upper 80s. Saturday and Sunday look brutal. Upper 90s.
  10. Yay.... https://www.tauntongazette.com/news/20190717/eee-positive-mosquito-found-in-new-bedford
  11. That helps. It's called Smartweed. As the name says, it's a weed. http://www.bio.brandeis.edu/fieldbio/Survival/Pages/smartweed.html
  12. The 2nd picture is definitely Petunias. Probably had some seeds drop there and they grew. The 1st picture is stumping me.
  13. Well your response would say this is incorrect.
  14. Want to say it's a variety of Pink Lavender.
  15. Wracking my brain. Is it a ground cover? Or is it more ornamental?
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