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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Watching the radar loop of this and that trailing line was hauling ass that it caught up to the lead line just as it was hitting the cape. Probably lent to some low level circulation. Fascinating stuff to watch unfold.
  2. Sort of run of the mill storms but we haven’t had any here to speak of
  3. 72/70. Waiting on impeding gulley washer
  4. Torch of a month now. +4.8F now. Last 2 days pulled off a +14.4 and a +14.9.
  5. BED 79/77 BVY 76/75 OWD 77/75 TAN 77/75
  6. BOS #s were legit. They matched surrounding ASOS stations.
  7. Not really. 97F all over the place. TAN has been one of the warmest spots.
  8. These past 2 days have been brutal. No way you can be outside in this shit without some sort of shade and/or cooling method.
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