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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Azalea that I have is not a fan of full sun. Likes it sunny in AM and shady in PM
  2. If all that white stuff it hail, I'm shocked. That's feet upon feet in the streets, and on all the mountains.
  3. Snow. Just look at all the links I provided. Here's the webcams too. https://www.seevaldisere.com/webcams/
  4. I've never seen hail melt upon contact with a windshield. Have you? It bounces off. https://www.balls.ie/cycling/tour-de-france-stage-cancelled-blizzard-414742
  5. So Paris is setting record temps and the Tour de France is being suspended due to snow/avalanches. https://cyclingtips.com/2019/07/stage-19-of-the-tour-de-france-neutralised-mid-race-due-to-snow/
  6. The fog this AM was as thick as the milfs Pickles likes.
  7. Central Air. When we built our house initially, we had the entire house roughed in for AC to make future install easier and non-invasive.
  8. It's been a torchy month for sure. +3.8F here.
  9. Install complete. No more spring install and fall uninstall. Thanks to @butterfish55 for doing the electrical work.
  10. I typically get a bunch of these every year. They vary ins size from dime sized to half dollar size.
  11. Yep 2 nados https://nwschat.weather.gov/p.php?pid=201907241959-KBOX-NOUS41-PNSBOX
  12. Posting where? You posted nothing last night during that event and nothing till the end of this one.
  13. https://www.boston.com/weather/weather/2019/07/23/live-weather-updates-as-severe-storms-hit-the-cape
  14. Where the hell you been the last 18 hrs? 2 of the biggest severe events of your lifetime and you're MIA from the forum.
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