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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. One week before we fly to.... To sail off to and and lastly
  2. MEH. Think I heard a couple low rumbles. 0.34" of rain.
  3. Looks like it did hit 57 soon after midnight but by dawn it was in the mid 60s, which is interesting as that warming was all from northerly flow.
  4. I ran a +4 on my max but a -7 on my min.
  5. Saw first wooly caterpillar of the season! Yuge winter incoming!
  6. Hit 90F yesterday. Makes 2 out of the 4 days this month. Today looks more seasonable with mid 80s.
  7. Southerly exposure on a hill is a recipe for failure. Irrigation would be the answer if he's not willing to plant more trees.
  8. 88F for high. Dews much lower but still warm.
  9. Lovely. EEE risk now high for the area, Enjoy the great outdoors at your own risk/peril. https://www.tauntongazette.com/news/20190731/risk-of-potentially-deadly-eee-now-high-in-new-bedford-freetown-lakeville-amp-middleboro-state-dph-says Now I yearn for that first hard freeze,
  10. +4.2F for the month. That's pretty damn impressive
  11. LMAO!!! So the Rev understands what the ASOS instrumentation looks like. These aren't your backyards Vantage Pros
  12. LOL, because those instruments are the same....
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