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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. November 1st? Hell, we're luck we see much snow before Dec 1st and many years we don't see much before Christmas.
  2. Probably. I pulled of a +11.4F the other day when it was 85/66. It would take something special to pull of a +20F.
  3. Where are normal highs in the 60s right now?
  4. At this point, you can still dethatch, aerate, and topdress the lawn. Lastly, make sure to put a "winterizer" fertilizer down in late October/November. You may want to still to your early fall lawn feeding as well.
  5. What HV said. Does the house have any? Even with temps in the 30s here, my house was 68F. I haven’t even flipped my AC off yet.
  6. 37.4F. June 4th was my last low in the 30s.
  7. Love days like today. 42-70F. Low dews. COC a doodle doooooo!!!!!!!
  8. Color definitely evident in the trees now.
  9. Too hot today. Saw 90F on the car thermo driving coming home thru Raynham.
  10. Spotted Spurge. ****ing shit sucks. Emits a sticky white sap when you don't pick from the root clean.
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