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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. You had a solid string of pissy posts before that
  2. Who pissed in Scooters Zima? Just MAF today. Everything ok at home?
  3. -2.2F month to date. Will likely tack on a few more tenths today.
  4. Color change really staring to kick into gear now.
  5. May be some spotty frost in the local area tonight.
  6. This has to be a localized issue with some users. I haven't noticed any degradation from my work PC, home laptop, iphone, or ipad. 4 devices and no issues whatsoever.
  7. You've only posted this in like 3 threads now.
  8. All I ask is that we get a hard freeze to kill the bugs then let it be warm till December.
  9. Very possible. More then twice as much energy in propane vs natural gas.
  10. Probably. 04/05 was another prolific year down my way.
  11. Semantics. Pulling off a +20 like you're talking about would take some obscene daily high and low. right now. We'd be talking record heat levels to pull off. Show me some charts that have hill towns pulling off a 90F high and 65F low in the next couple weeks..
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