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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. For 4 months so they can ascertain the extent of the problem and come up with potential solutions, yes. And the kids aren't just smoking flavored nicotine, they're smoking the THC/Nicotine vapes in the schools as well.
  2. Yep. My daughter says it's nuts at Taunton HS. The smell is everywhere and they set off the smoke alarms a couple times a week she says. Very disruptive.
  3. No shit it's the black market crap causing this but this is not specifically about that. The usage of all vape products, in general, by underage teens, is the overarching issue and the companies are clearly targeting the youth with the way they are marketing them. I understand can never eliminate a "black market" for anything but if you can administer/regulate the legal side better to make accessibility to teens almost impossible, I'm all for it. Just look at how they rolled out legal sales of Cannabis in MA. Perhaps they need to do this with vape products as well. This industry has gotten ahead of the current laws.
  4. Some need to get a grip. It’s a 4mo ban while the State tries to figure out answers/solutions to what’s becoming an epidemic amongst a segment of the population that should be allowed under current law to have. How do we stop kids from getting access to these products? Parents and retailers aren’t helping.
  5. There in lies the problem. The accessibility of it for teens. They should outright ban flavorings in these since it's clear these companies are targeting teens with the names of these flavors.
  6. Damn.... https://www.wcvb.com/article/gov-charlie-baker-vaping-announcement-massachusetts/29208739
  7. Haven't sniffed 90F in over 30 days. "It ain't happening James"
  8. What an impressive flip from a cold regime to a warm regime over the last several day. - teen departures to + teen departures. What was a solid negative departure month has been eviscerated over the last 3 days.
  9. Geez, send the rains here. Only 0.68” for September.
  10. 3rd EEE death confirmed in MA. That makes 3 out of the 10 confirmed cases now.
  11. Glad we still “installed” these past few days.
  12. Sup gang long day of work all over e mass beautiful though 86F for the high and down to 61F now
  13. Up to 72F off a low of 35. Should shoot past the 40F delta with a forecasted high of 78F.
  14. Can someone please inform MesoWest that they need to renew their security certificate. Expired yesterday.
  15. Downstairs is sitting at 66F right now. Comfortable, no heat yet.
  16. Yup. -2.6F. It’s been an impressive cool stretch over the last 8 days with only one negative daily departure.
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