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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Gross out for Oct 2. 73/66. I don't mind the temp but the dew can suck it.
  2. Damn. I've had ~3.50" that last 2 months combined.
  3. And it looks like you're going to have to live with it.
  4. If the soil is good, then it's likely a factor of shallow root growth on the new grass and lack of watering.
  5. Good god, glad I don't live there. No way could i cope with that much snow in September.
  6. September neggy departure all but eliminated. Down to a palty -0.2F now after being -2.6F only 7-8 days ago. That's how you flip the switch to a TORCH!
  7. Wow is probably messing with ad shit. People have been having issues over the last several months with usability of the site. Slow, jumpy page loads
  8. Yeah, I'm fine with 60s and 70s from now till mid November.
  9. If that 25% number is in the ballpark, that means ~675 students vape at Taunton HS. Student population (grades 8-12) is ~2,700 students.
  10. Guess I'm old. No one I was around in MS smoked and even in HS there was only a small group who did, not the ~25% number being thrown out there now as the % of HS who do it now.
  11. How the hell is 12-14 year old getting there hands on these products?
  12. It's flat out gross. Plumes of vape "smoke" that shroud you to the point of not being able to see a persons face. Yeah, that's "cool".
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