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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. You’re noticing that as well. Lotta ground water n my grass as well.
  2. Yeah, nice surprise for you this AM. I like the sneaky events that you wake up saying, “Huh?”
  3. Didn't say perfect. Not dank at all, was only cloudy when I was out. Better then 39F and mist.
  4. Busted ASOS https://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/meso_base_dyn.cgi?stn=KTAN&unit=0&time=LOCAL&product=&year1=&month1=&day1=00&hour1=00&hours=24&graph=0&past=0&order=1
  5. I equate getting excited about a few catpaws on par with getting exited for a passing Summer shower.
  6. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no snow, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
  7. Once the AK death vortex shows up, it doesn’t go away till morch
  8. That thing has to be warm due to jet exhaust.
  9. Yard cleanup #3 done. Leaf blower this time around to make quick work of oak leaves. Still plenty on the trees so likely one more to do
  10. So much hatred over what an observer measures for snowfall
  11. Yeah, other then the 2 brief cold snaps, this weather has been benign. We yard cleanup this weekend.
  12. Shit ton of Oak leaves on the ground now but still more than 1/2 left on the trees.
  13. Are you implying they didn’t measure accurately?
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