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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Pack fetish. No desire to see brown crusty shit on the ground. Give me brown grass.
  2. 32F only tickles this area on the Euro. All you inlanders are all frozen
  3. Nice ML look N of pike and low level fronto S of pike
  4. I’m feeling at least a 2-4” are in the cards for SNE with this next storm before any mixed bag-o-crap gets involved. Sort of a fine line. You don’t want too strong a s/w to blast the warm front north and change us over to fzra/ra and conversely you don’t want the s/w to weak such that the lift is so weak to not give us more then fzra/ip.
  5. Someone had to. He left the low hanging fruit on that one.
  6. Unless we see the CAD trend stronger, I feel this will the best possible outcome for winter enthusiasts.
  7. Easy to do when you have a large swimming pool to your South.
  8. Wont't be as widespread as depicted on the NAM but Euro was a soaker too.
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