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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. 4 days to go in the month and negative departures all but eliminated. Could end up slightly positive with at least 2 + days ahead.
  2. Glad we don't live in generator country. Longest without power...a day.
  3. This has been spectacular. If its not going to snow, let it be above freezing and bearable.
  4. I'll disagree. Classic N of I-90 and Hills snows.
  5. Calling it "Country" music is also a stretch. Sounds more like Kiss 108 with a southern twang.
  6. Yep, took my dog out and it was like ice.
  7. I was at my dads this AM and there was maybe a dusting at best. Definitely not a “pack”
  8. Was at my sisters in Groton yesterday and there was a solid 1-2” everywhere around. They live off rt 40.
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