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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Not seeing much, if any triple-point on the Euro.
  2. Just look at how compressed the flow is over the Midwest. There is no where for the storm to go but up into the GL.
  3. SE Ridge needs to be taken to the woodshed so the storm can push further south.
  4. Most certainly is a torch, relative to climo. And these maps can broad brush areas I've noticed.
  5. We are now 1/2 way thru January and I sit at +10.5F. That's remarkable. There have been on;y one negative day thus far.
  6. These next 2 storms are going to save the ski season. Guns cranking and snows falling.
  7. Here's the thing, I'm still above average on the season to date. So by definition, it's not poopie Winter. The last 2 weeks though have put me in Spring fever, so the Winter can just fade away at this point unless I start seeing some 6"+ storms on my horizon. No desire to have to deal with 1-2" of slop.
  8. Overnight runs were boring for this week down this way. Tenor of Winter has shifted well north and west. They need the snow though to salvage winter activities.
  9. Maybe we can get Taal to change the pattern
  10. Enjoy the snows, you northerners have been screwed relative to climo this season. Your turn is up.
  11. N & W of PVD/BOS. Couple inches this way. #notexciting.
  12. 18z was worse then 12z. Looked like mostly rain.
  13. Upside with that was far better then this currently modeled turd.
  14. That does not excite me in mid January
  15. Where were you seeing 6" on the GFS? That was well N and W of us.
  16. Yup, get away from the coast, and all bets are off. You know the drill here. It is only Monday, so I am by no means throwing in the towel on anything meaningful here, I'm just not optimistic at all. Seasonal tenor has flipped 180 from early December and until I see solutions to be optimistic about, I fall back to recent ones for what can occur.
  17. Are you a noob? https://web.kma.go.kr/eng/biz/forecast_02.jsp It's the Korean
  18. I would not call a few inches a "thump". 6"+ min before a changeover is a thump in my books.
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