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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Seems to work pretty well around here
  2. 47F today. Another torcher. Winds be cranking too. Close to 40mph.
  3. It may be right. Glad we have other activities in winter to occupy us when there is nothing to track.
  4. Scooter's not going to take the time to drive to the Tobin, he's just gonna detour to the Fore River Bridge, hit the up button, and drive off while it's in up position.
  5. For the winter weather enthusiasts, it's frustrating, since it's like a broken record of Winter being perpetually 10 days away. This weekends systems is OK, but then left to wait another week or more for the mere possibility of a storm.
  6. Maybe it is. I don't see it on TT or Pivotal yet.
  7. Even if it were to phase, it would likely be a cutter,
  8. How is that unlike this one? I've had grass since for 30 days now.
  9. Officially 1/2 way thru January and sitting at a +10.3F mtd. Let's see what the 2nd 1/2 does.
  10. Canadian look like hot garbage to me. Only caveat would be if the s/w cutoff from the flow. That things a screaming southerly gale.
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