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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. An ULL occluding over NJ does not scream huge snowstorm for your area or mine as I stated. It looks good well N & W though.
  2. Looks like the confluence to the N lifts N and it's riding up behind it. Looks like it will occlude earlier and rips marine taint inland.
  3. If you think the 12z run is showing 18", then the 06z run was double that, That 06z run was far more dynamic a storm then this run.
  4. Then we need to get you to an optometrist, stat.
  5. You need to toggle to the 12z run son.
  6. QPF is fantastic. But is it wet? Looks that way for most of New England population on this run.
  7. Best dynamics are well inland on this solution. Ends up an occluded POS and rain for eastern areas, C/NNE fair well
  8. Definitely did not move E. And not quite as strong a SLP
  9. 12z GFS looks pretty similar overall to the 06z run out to 12z Saturday.
  10. The tenure of the season is 3mo. The tenor of the season has been meh.
  11. Man that 00z Euro would be a kick in the groin. BM track and rains to Montreal.
  12. Works better for those away from the coast for sure.
  13. snow may not last the day here. Heading for mid 40s.
  14. Tenor of the season. Some are nickel and diming along and some are penny and nickeling along. I think I’m still above normal to datE on snow but it’s getting close.
  15. Mid 30s now. Had a brief period of showers for about an hour at the end. 3”
  16. EPS and GEFS do have something next weekend. Need that ridging across Hudson to remain.
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