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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. It isn't. ULL rides west of us and we are flooded with warmth.
  2. high to the north is a bit further south so we get the squeeze play.
  3. We'd be talking prolific totals for just about everyone if we had some semblance of an Arctic air mass. As it current;y stands, we are lying all the dynamics of the storm to draw in the cold air aloft down to the surface.
  4. I'll defer to the masses but given how strong a storm signal this upcoming one is, I'd be fine with a separate thread at this point, even though we are 4-5 days out.
  5. Doesn't appear as though people will be able to pond skate around these parts this year.
  6. It's why we have/use Ensembles. With the increased resolutions, you need to have the different permutations to smooth out a mean.
  7. Few inches of rain? We'll see, but the Euro was only about 1" of rain.
  8. Still puling out hope that we can score a few inches down this way.
  9. 9F has been my low on season back on December 8th. Am at that now. Also one day of 10F as well. Pretty meh on the cold for a radiator.
  10. Seriously, looks like Spring cutoff season.
  11. Man, what a putrid look across the Conus.
  12. We're going to need to watch what occurs over the west coast. It appeared as though there was piece of energy that dropped south that sharpened the downstream ridging allowing that secondary s/w do dive further south.
  13. Not in this instance. This was a phase job that tugged the primary ULL back west.
  14. Hence my prior post regarding future frames. If it can push eastward and re-develop, that may save a lot more from the marine puke.
  15. See what occurs in next few frames but it looks like it's heading up the Hudson before we see any secondary pop.
  16. Euro looks hideous. Has ULL phasing with another ULL that dives out of Saskatchewan .
  17. Bobby Flay? Bobby Maxon? I said far N & W. Geographically from where I live, that's I-90 and points N & W.
  18. Who's writing it off? You thought it looked great, some thought it looked MEH. We discuss.
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