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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. I’d say it’ll likely be safe post 00z to start a thread
  2. Yeah, just thinking out loud. Get that lead shortwave out of the way as well as the SW s/w and see if this northern one can dig for oil.
  3. Yep. Make the northern stream more dominant with some southern stream interaction
  4. If that s/w in the SW parks itself at a Tijuana Tequila Bar, we may be looking at a more northern steam driven Miller B re-developer. The earlier it hits the bar, the better as it would promote more downstream troughing over the east.
  5. Looks like wave spacing/interference is preventing the Euro from being a pretty sizable storm.
  6. We need to keep an eye on how the Euro handles that s/w in the SW. It's been a past bias in the model so let's see if that is still the case.
  7. 06z EPS looks sweet from a track perspective for many.
  8. Gimme till Wednesday folks. My juju has been historically notorious. When I feel it, lock it up. Still time for this to be a turd circling the toilet. Here’s what I see. We don’t want too much phasing early on, giving a Cleveland steamer. We want that southern stream to get out ahead, just enough, to show that northern stream some SECS potential. That northern stream gon get aroused and wanna phase with that southern stream. They time that right, we got something beautiful. NSFW.
  9. I have no lean right now. Just having fun at the expense of the western folks. It’s going to boil down to timing/ location of the streams. Gotta wait till Wednesday/Thursday to get a better idea.
  10. Need some Eli Manning to David Tyree magic for westerners.
  11. That’s a great look for SE areas on the 18z goofus
  12. Nice little clippah follow up action that tries to redevelop.
  13. Same here. Never owned a truck personally nor growing up a kid. No need for one. You drive like me. I put 20-25kmi a year on my vehicle as does my wife.
  14. Thinking 12-18", lollis to 24" for SE MA.
  15. Ch 5 WCVB. Be it Cindy, Harvey, or Kelly. They are the ones on when I'm most likely to watch the news.
  16. Why are you pulling posts from a forum 500mi S of us?
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